Dry and visible in the fall and winter darkness

On dark rainy and snowy days, it is especially important to keep an eye on the school road so that the children are visible in traffic, and so that both the school backpack and the children stay dry on the school road.
Our school backpacks for children are equipped with numerous reflectors on all sides of the backpack. For an even better visibility, you may want to use a reflective vest or another one of our B-SEEN & Safe products.
Remember that reflectors wear out over time. You can easily test whether the reflector is still good by taking a photo of the reflector with flash in a dark room.

Keep dry in all kinds of weather
Whether it’s rain, sleet or snow, both the backpack and the child must be well protected. All our school bags have integrated rain covers, either in the top flap, the side pocket or at the bottom of the bag. Pull it over your backpack when the weather is bad. The reflector on the rain cover is taped at the seams, so no water gets in.
Of course, children will want to wear clothes that can withstand wet weather. But an umbrella can also be a good idea. It can be used in both rain and snow, and protects them from getting it all in the face.
We have umbrellas that match several of the first-grade bags, they are collapsible and fit in the side pocket of the first-grade bags.